A few weeks back I had the opportunity to attend PepsiCo Innovation Day thanks to Stephanie Agresta of Porter Novelli and Bonin Bough of Pepsi. They bused a group of bloggers and new media types up to Pepsi headquarters in Purchase, NY for a day of learning, sharing and fun. I am going to break up the experience into a series of posts, starting with the fun.
Making My Own Soda
In the interest of dislcosure I want to share that PepsiCo provided me with lunch, Pepsi swag and the most soda I have ever had in a single day.
Is my head really that wide!?!? I think something is up with the aspect ratio on this video.
It’s my girl @Alexa! Love her….
Pepsi chooses 10 European tech staups to paner with http://t.co/JNjMyIsy