I made this video of Bonzo last night. She was definitely trying to tell me something, but I have no idea what. Do you speak Schnauzer? What is she saying?!?!

Ted Murphy

Ted Murphy

Ted Murphy is an American entrepreneur. He is currently the Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer of IZEA, a technology company that provides software for influencer marketing.


  • becky says:

    she says to put the camera down already and PLAY!

  • Quote:

    “Ted, you would not believe the $#!% that I go through when you’re not here. Seriously, the Kool-Aid man broke through the wall and was all ‘Oh Yeah!’ and then I lapped up his Kool-Aid internals until he was no more. Then I had to find a way to get rid of the glass pitcher and patch up the drywall before you got home. So, I called my friend Larry the doberman and called in a couple of favors. Yes, I can use the phone, but that’s another story for another time. Anyway, we got rid of the pitcher and patched up the wall, but then the neighbors started complaining about the noise, so we pooped on their lawn. Then Larry was all, hey, have you ever tried catnip? And I was like, isn’t that for cats? And he was like, well, technically, but it still gives us a good buzz. So we did a few lines of catnip and I swear to God, Ted, I swear to #!$#%^ God I could actually see sound waves as they came out of things. And I talked to Paris Hilton. I’m not even sure what she was doing here. Then her, me, and Larry did some things of which we’ll never speak again. I think I need to go to the vet and get some tests done, Ted. I’m starting to itch. Seriously. OK, I may be freaking out here a little, but do you see that blue chihuahua over there too? Do you man, DO YOU?”

  • marcus says:

    “Timmy’s fell down a well! Come Quick Ted!”

  • MLDina says:

    LMAO the comments above are hilarious- I definitely can’t top those. I did watch Bonzo’s video with my dog around though. While my beagle ignored it, my other dog, who is 1/2 schauzer, 1/2 yorkie was freaking out! I think he’s scared of Bonzo now. Either that or he was communicating in dog language.

  • Ha – Bonzo is so cute as she scoots along the floor, like Michael Jackson moonwalking – looks like she isn’t even moving her front feet!

    As for what she was saying, my dog ran away when he heard her so it probably was something about a blue chihuaha.

    Loved that Tara had to come tell you kids it was ‘enough already’!

  • Ted…OMGoodness! She is sooooo cute!

    I didn’t know you had a schnauzie! We have 4 in the house…Too cute…

    Yup…What she’s saying is…”Daddy…What are you holding and why is it making that funny noise! It has a big eye and you’re snuggling it to your face! I don’t like it!” LOL LOL LOL…

    Too funny! I wish I could have recorded my dogs listening to this video! Priceless! LOL…You should see mine with the vacuum! WOW!

    I love love love my mini schnauzers! They are such amazing terriers!

    Kimberly 🙂

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