Some people dream of becoming an astronaut, policeman, doctor or pro athlete. I have always dreamed of being a businessman. As a boy I watched my father start several businesses, he would always bring me to his office and show me what he was working on. I helped my father tinker with early uses of lasers, wind energy, digital video and electric cars. He shared his visions and taught me things about business most kids are never exposed to. It always fascinated me how he could make something out of nothing.

Ted the Little Busniess Man
Me as a kid during Christmas

That fascination lead me into business and becoming an entrepreneur (much to my mother’s dismay at first…but that is a whole other story). I don’t think I could ever do anything else, nor do I want to. I love the process of creating and running a business, it is my passion, it’s in my DNA. Through good and bad.

How about you? What is your passion? Have you always wanted to do what you are doing now? If not what lead your current job or role? Do you aspire to be anything else?

Ted Murphy

Ted Murphy

Ted Murphy is an American entrepreneur. He is currently the Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer of IZEA, a technology company that provides software for influencer marketing.


  • @kristyann says:

    I wanted to be a vet, then the president. Not only am I not either of those things, but I am glad I am not. I am who I want to be right now. Not sure if I’ll ever grow up though! Working on my MBA trying to create a viable career in marketing. That is where I’m at, and where my passions lie. I love what I’m doing right now and glad my child-self was off the mark. She led me down a very interesting and colorful path to get where I am 🙂

  • corrin says:

    I wanted to be an architect for a very long time, and to this day my mom tells me I missed my calling (but that’s just because she thought I was super good with K-Nex).

    Do I wish I would have gone that route? No. I work in food marketing now. Food. Marketing. What’s better than taking pictures of food and writing recipes?

  • Ted Murphy says:

    I think most people realize their heart lies someplace else somewhere between childhood and their thirties. I admire people that can change course and go after what they want in life, no matter when the ah ha moment comes.

  • Marisa says:

    A very long time ago, my first desire was to be a writer. At some point I decided I’d like to work with children, as a counselor or teacher or something. But I continued to write and never lost that desire. Now I’m mother of 6, with two grandkids and another on the way and I blog. I guess I’m doing just what I always wanted to do.

  • I am exactly where I wanted to be when I wrote my goals out 10 years ago. I wrote down that I wanted to be a full time fire fighter and I was, I said I wanted to be a photographer, and I am. I wanted a white house with a picket fence, 3.1 kids, and a dog. Well I have my wife, 1 kid, a dog, and a white house with a picket fence.

    I also have gotten to do things along the way that I could never dream of doing! That is the great things about dreams.

  • OMG! That picture is priceless – a mini tycoon!

    I’ve never really wanted to ‘be’ anything except a princess. Being retired and a blogger is pretty close!

  • Tina Kubala says:

    I wanted to be an archeologist when I was seven, digging history out of the dirt then retiring to my tent to an evening with my typewriter and a cup of tea. I’d given up this idea by my teens, because science requires more math then I thought I’d ever be capable of.

    I still want to be a writer. I know I have a novel or two hidden away somewhere.

  • Alli says:

    That’s great background. Do you still have a good relationship with your father?

  • Ted Murphy says:

    We still have a good relationship, though I don’t get to see him nearly enough 🙁 It has become harder as I have gotten older and had more responsibilities.

  • Amy says:

    I just had to comment after seeing that picture. Could you have been any cuter??? My word.

    I wanted to be a vet. Or an actress. Or both. I’m neither. But I do still have high hopes of opening a shelter for homeless/abandoned animals one day.

  • I always wanted to be a mom – a mom that stays home with her kids. I thought I’d go to college and become an elem. ed. major and teach until I found ‘him’ and began procreating. I skipped instead straight to the procreating! Ha! I’m glad I did, because, after running a daycare center and being heavily involved volunteering in elem. schools – that is so not where I want to be.

    I feel like I’ve completely reached my “BIG DREAM” and am now free to do more – like the ‘cherry on top’ dreams! And that’s what I’m doing online pursuing my internet entrepreneurial dreams and I’m loving it!!

    Great post, Ted. My dad had the exact same briefcase – sure stirred memories for me seeing it! Very cool! 🙂

  • Ted Murphy says:

    @Lisa Marie Mary:
    Very cool Lisa. There is no job more important than that of a parent.

    That briefcase became mine, I used it for years.

  • Craig Murphy says:

    Are those “Fail Whales” on your tie?

  • akeorlando says:

    I used to want to be a pilot. Now I’m basically crazy-fearful of flying (you know, you’ve flown with me).

    What does that tell you?!?!

  • Suzanne says:


    I am writing and staying at home after lots of false starts. Sometimes it’s hard to know what you want out of life other than by process of elimination.

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