

Startups : Incorporate in Delaware

delaware_detail-779919So you have decided to start your own business. You have done your research, created your business plan and have some money to get started. Great! Now what? Well, the first thing you need to do is create a legal entity so you can request a federal tax id, setup a bank account and so on. For small businesses that intend to stay small that usually means incorporating with the state in which you currently reside. However, if you plan on building the next monster company you should contemplate incorporating in Delaware instead of your home state.

Many institutional investors prefer Delaware corporations and some may even require you to reincorporate in Delaware prior to an investment. Why? Because Delaware has a separate Court of Chancery, a business court. The Court of Chancery does not use juries and the judges are appointed based on merit, not public election. Because there are no juries, decisions issued from the Chancery Court are done so as written opinions. The opinions create a large body of legal precedent for the investors to rely on, making it the most business friendly state to incorporate in from a legal standpoint. Investors like that.

There are a few other benefits to incorporating in Delaware:

  • You don’t need to be a resident of Delaware.
  • Non-Delaware Businesses don’t pay Delaware Corporate Taxes.
  • Different kinds of business can be transacted under one corporate roof.
  • Shareholders can act in writing instead of holding meetings.
  • You can add people to the board who are not shareholders.
  • One person can act as the only officer, director and shareholder of a corporation.

The state of Delaware has a booklet dedicated to the subject if you want more details. Corporations and LLCs of Delaware are permitted to run their businesses in all 50 states and foreign countries. You can incorporate for as little as $79.00 (no, I have never used these guys) and the ongoing cost of operations are relatively low.

Please note: I am not an attorney, financial advisor or tax expert. You should consult your own counsel prior to making any business decisions.

Real Life Avatar

bioladyIn March Tara I went to Puerto Rico for a mini vacation. The trip was fantastic. We spent some time in Old San Juan, drank in the pool and discovered mofongo (one of my new favorite foods….and words). While I enjoyed the entire trip I have to say our visit to the “Bio Bay” in Las Croabas, Farjardo was by far the best part.


We kayaked for 45 minutes in complete darkness to reach a bioluminescent lagoon unlike anything I had ever seen. The lagoon was filled with Pyrodinium Bahamense, a microscopic plankton capable of producing natural light at the touch of your hand! It was like Avatar… but this wasn’t a movie. If you ever make it down to Peurto Rico I would recommend you check it out.

Note that you can’t actually get in the water. You can only wave your hands around in it.

Happy Birthday Hubble

hubble_telescopeLike most people who have grown in the space age I have been fascinated about what exists beyond our planet since a very young age. I can remember the first time I saw a picture from deep space. It made me realize just how big the universe is and how small a role I play in the grand scheme of things. Our entire planet Our entire galaxy is just a speck in an infinite sea of stars.

Tomorrow marks the 20th anniversary of the Hubble Space Telescope. Hubble launched in 1990 and has transformed the way we look at creation itself. The farthest objects Hubble has seen are galaxies well over 12 billion light years away, not long after the Big Bang. Here are a few of my favorite images. You can see more at the official NASA site.





A Personal Holodeck

This is one of the coolest things I have seen in a long time. Windscape is hardware/software combination that adjusts the image displayed on “virtual windows” based on the location of a person wearing a custom IR-emitting necklace. It is powered by a Mac, a Wii remote and an iPhone app. Pretty damn cool. I want.

Do You Doodle Jump?

doodle_jump_iconI have an XBox and a Wii but both rarely get used. I generally don’t have the time to play video games at home. On the rare occasion that I do play I feel guilty that I am not outside or doing something more productive with my life. I am afraid that console games are a thing of the past for me.


However, iPhone games are another story. They are perfect time fillers when I am stuck in line or winding down in bed. Doodle Jump is one of my favorite games because the sessions are quick, fun and completely mindless. The game is constantly being updated with new themes and you can tell the developers are having fun with it. If you aren’t one of the 3 million people who have already downloaded the game I highly suggest you give it a try, it is well worth the $.99 price tag.

Do you have a favorite game you recommend for the iPhone? Let me know and I will check it out.

Small Business Odds

2008_vc_funding_oddsStarting a business is easy. You can legally create a business entity in a few hours with a couple hundred bucks. The hard part is raising capital for growth and keeping the business running long term. It’s a long, hard road and it is not for everyone.

I always encourage would-be entrepreneurs to take the leap and go for it, but before you do you should know what you are up against. Here are a few sobering facts:

  • According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, roughly 50% of small businesses fail within the first five years.
  • In 2008 627,200 U.S. businesses were born, 595,600 businesses closed and 43,546 filed for bankruptcy.
  • Only 2,765 venture capital deals were done in all of 2009.
  • A typical venture fund may invest in 1 out of 400 opportunities presented to it.

But it isn’t all bad news. Plenty of small businesses beat the odds, never get funding and have a huge impact on the US Economy. Small businesses:

  • Represent 99.7 percent of all employer firms.
  • Employ just over half of all private sector employees.
  • Pay 44 percent of total U.S. private payroll.
  • Have generated 64 percent of net new jobs over the past 15 years.
  • Create more than half of the nonfarm private gross domestic product (GDP).
  • Hire 40 percent of high tech workers (such as scientists, engineers, and computer programmers)

PayTrust is My Secret Weapon

paytrust_logoI hate bills. I don’t just hate paying them…I hate getting them. I hate writing checks. I hate licking stamps. I hate mailing payments back.  It is just annoying. I also travel a ton, which makes managing timely payments challenging to say the least. The solution? I don’t pay my bills. I let Paytrust pay them for me.

I have been a Paytrust customer for about 8 years. I have no other relationship with them, I am writing this post simply because I love the service.  It is the single service I don’t think I could live without. While most banks have the ability to do online payments they don’t do it like Paytrust. Paytrust takes care of all payments, including companies and services that don’t accept electronic funds transfers (EFTs).

How it Works:

When you signup for Paytrust they give you your own P.O. Box. You switch the billing address for all your bills to this new address. When a new bill comes in they scan it and send you an email alert. You can then login to Paytrust and make a payment or set it up to be paid automatically. Paytrust can do EFTs like your bank, but the cool thing is they will also mail a check to companies like your lawn service or doctor that don’t typically accept EFTs. You can view and download all your bills online and you can purchase a CD at the end of each year with all your records in PDF format. Between Paytrust and my ScanSnap my records are almost completely digital.

Paytrust lets you put all your bills on autopilot. It is well worth the $12.95 per month I pay for the time I save (not to mention the cost of stamps). I never miss a bill and I always pay my bills on time.


I’m Starting a Business

Ted the Little Business ManI get a lot of emails from first time entrepreneurs looking to start a company. Almost every email I get sounds something like this. “I am thinking of starting a business doing X. I am really passionate about X, I want to take control of my life and be my own boss. I am looking to raise capital and I was wondering where to start.”

My Simple Advice

If you are so passionate about X stop talking and start doing. Commit your own dollars to getting your business concept off the ground and bootstrap it for as long as you can. Few investors will put money in to a company without some significant financial and/or resource commitment from the entrepreneur.

You will be hard pressed to raise capital these days without at least one of the following:

1. A proven track record as an entrepreneur.

2. A functioning business with a business model that investors can help scale with cash.

3. Some rock solid intellectual property.

Can you start your own business? Hell yeah you can! Can you raise money? You bet! But don’t expect any investor to put up money until you have some skin in the game. If you are successful in raising capital remember that business is like marriage and you have make a commitment to your backers. The notion of “I want to take control of my life and be my own boss” is all wrong. The business is the boss, at least until it gets to scale and profitability.

Tripit is My New BFF

Tara told me about Tripit a long time ago. It sounded interesting but I have been using Orbitz to book and manage my travel for so long that I never really checked it out – until now. I don’t know why I waited this long…Tripit is easy, awesome and I can still use Orbitz or any other site.

Here is how it works:

1. Book your travel on any website.

2. Forward your confirmation email from that website to Tripit.

3. Let Tripit consolidate all your trip information in an intelligent way.

This tool is a godsend for people that travel a lot and need to share their travel schedule with friends and co-workers. I often book my airfare and hotel on different sites, I love that Tripit merges the information together. I upgraded my account to monitor my flights, enhance the sharing features and centralize the management of my frequent flyer/hotel points.

I am a bone head. I should have been using this for months.


Internet Marketing

51s3rg9uonl_ss500_1I am pleased to announce the release of a new book edited by my good friends Missy Ward and Shawn Collins. Internet Marketing from the Real Experts is a collection of affiliate, email, blogging, podcasting, video, search engine, and social media rock stars that break down the how and why of Internet marketing in a clear, easy to understand way.

There are dozens of contributors including Brian Clark, Joel Comm, Jim Kukral, Jeremy Schoemaker and yours truly. These are the people that do this stuff every day… the people that I seek advice from. Find out how they do what they do to achieve success with their online businesses.

Buy it now! (Amazon Affiliate Link)