

FSU Beats No. 22 Maryland : Social Media FAIL

Unfortunately I didn’t get to see the FSU vs. Maryland game last night. Those of you that have been following me via Twitter know that I got rid of cable a few months back. Tara and I were both very tired and didn’t feel like leaving the house last night, especially to hit a loud sports bar that would be carrying the game.

Photo courtsey of gtmcknight

I decided that I was going to get my fill of the game via the interwebs today. My hope was that social media could recreate the experience of actually being at an FSU Football game when I woke up in the morning. I hopped on Flickr and Facebook thinking I would see pictures of my friends tailgating. Nothing. Not a single photo from the game on Flickr from anyone (not just my friends). I tried an array of query strings, if the photos are out there they are not tagged or titled. Seriously!?! Where are all the half-drunken photos of people gnawing on sausages and chicken wings? Where are the photos from the stands? What about the post-game celebration?

I searched for some blog posts from actual bloggers. Nope. The only thing of substance I found was mainstream media and some hardcore sports sites reporting a recap of the game. I was able to find some tweets about the game via Twitter search, but you can’t get much from 140 characters.

For those of you interested The Florida State Seminoles beat #22 Maryland 37-3 on the road in an upset. FSU has won 17 of the 19 all-time meetings with Maryland.

I am happy that I was able to get the essentials from the mainstream, but I am bummed social media failed to deliver the experience I was hoping for. Social media has come a long way but it still lags behind traditional media in timeliness. Bloggers typically have no discipline, no rules, no deadlines. I am sure that photos, videos and blog posts will start to emerge later today (when people are finished with their hangovers) but I will have already moved on. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, I like updating my content when I feel like it. However, it does put social media at a disadvantage.

I believe the future of social media is going to be about speed of post and ease of capture. Who can share a full experience first? I am going to do a blog post about it later this week. I’ll show you how my post about the Burger King Wallet drove a ton of traffic to this site, not because it was the best but because it was the first.

Evernote is the bomb

I have been using Evernote for about 3 weeks now and I gotta say I love it. I had heard about it before, but wasn’t convinced to try it until one of my investors showed me a demo in person. Evenote is a note taking tool that allows you to easily capture information using your computer or mobile device. It uploads your notes (audio, photos and text) to the cloud and syncs them all back to whatever device you are using. I have it on my iphone and all my Mac desktops.

A search done for "dave conklin" pulls up a photo I took of the business card with my iphone and highlights his name.

The best thing about Evernote is the OCR. You can take a photo of something like a business card and it is able to indentify the text. It’s a great way to create an index of all your thoughts and ideas that you can take with you no matter where you are. I give it two thumbs up.

Stop leaving me phone books!

I retuned home this evening to find two phone books on my porch. Have you heard of the interwebs? I have tubes… I haven’t used a phone book in years. I don’t even have a home phone. I don’t know what bothers me more; the fact the phone company keeps printing these things to justify their reach to advertisers or the fact that they are killing so many trees unnecessarily.

Photo courtsey Matt Sheppard

Photo courtesy Matt Sheppard

Is there a way to have the phone company stop?

UPDATED : How to stop getting phone books!

Thanks for the link Alli!

You can get the phone company to stop sending you phone books by clicking here. I did it.

Here are some crazy facts about phone books:

  • How many directories are printed annually in the United States? 540 Million
  • What is the average weight of the directories? 3.62 pounds
  • How much is the directory industry worth to the telephone companies in the United States? $13.58B
  • How much is the directory industry worth worldwide? $26B
  • How many fully developed trees are needed to make a ton of paper? 24 trees
  • How many gallons of oil are needed to produce a ton of paper? 380 gallons
  • How many cubic yards of waste is taken up by a ton of paper? 3 cubic yards
  • How many gallons of water are needed to produce a ton of paper? 7,000 gallons
  • How many kilowatts of energy are needed to produce a ton of paper? 4,000
  • How many directories are printed for EVERY man, woman, and child in the United States? 1.79 books per person

Win a Bathtub Full of Cereal

I love cereal. Who doesn’t? From Fruit Loops to Cheerios everybody remembers chowing down their favorite cereal as a child. I have never really gotten over my love for cereal, I love it so much that it provided the inspiration for the very first super promotional happiness giveaway.

Win a bathtub full of cereal

Win a Bathtub of Cereal and Help a Family in Need

A box of cereal is good… but 52 boxes of cereal is better. That is enough to fill a bathtub (trust me, I know). The winner of this promotion will nab themselves 52 boxes of their favorite cereal. You can choose to bathe in your winnings, or simply consume a box of cereal a week for a year like a normal person. But it gets better…you can help families in need in the process. If I get over 500 unique comments on this post (up to 2 per person) not only will the winner get 52 boxes of cereal, I will also donate 52 boxes of cereal to our local food bank. Everyone wins.

How to Enter

Each person can enter up to 2 times, once via their blog and once via twitter.

Enter with your blog. To enter with your blog simply write a short post including one of the promotional images or video below and link back to this post. Please make sure you drop the URL of your post in the comments.

Win a Bathtub Full of Cereal from Ted Murphy on Vimeo.

Enter with Twitter. To enter with Twitter simply tweet this out “RT @tedmurphy is giving away a bathtub full of cereal. Help a family in need”

Rules and How the Winner is Chosen

Each post and tweet will be assigned a number in a spreadsheet. I will pick a number at random live on a special edition of TedTube on November 24th. You have until midnight EST November 23rd to enter via your blog or Twitter. If the winner lives outside of the U.S. they will receive $200 via PayPal in lieu of cereal (sorry, I can’t ship all that cereal internationally)

This is a private promotion and not associated with any company. It’s just little old me having some fun and helping people out.

What’s your favorite cereal!?!

I would have to go with Cheerios or Fruity Pebbles.

Updated: The making of video

Making a Bathtub Full of Cereal from Ted Murphy on Vimeo.

I ran 14 miles this morning

I officially began training for a marathon this week. My schedule goes from Sunday to Saturday, with a predefined distance to run each day. This week I ran 23 miles, but this morning I ran 14 miles. I have never run that far before and wasn’t sure I could make it but I did.

My First 14 Mile Run from Ted Murphy on Vimeo.

I am pretty happy with my time. I ran 14 miles in 2:04′ 30″ with an average pace of 8m52s per mile. I finished a half marathon (13.2 miles) in under 2 hours. Next Sunday I will run 16 miles, it will be interesting to see if I can maintain a similar pace.

I am running my first marathon

I registered to run my first marathon this past weekend. I’ll be running the Five Points Marathon in Gainesville, Florida on February 22, 2009. I started running again a couple weeks ago and so far so good. Aside from some knee pain I feel great (the tiger balm is helping a lot with that). I finally have the right gear for long distance runs and I am happy to say there have been no recurrences of the infamous bleeding nipple (see video below).

I do have some concerns about the big run. What happens if I need to go to the bathroom? Are there going to be toilets? Gainesville has more hills than Orlando, I won’t be used to that. What if I am super slow? Will they boot me from the course?

My friend Courtney Benefiel told me I needed a training plan. I looked on a bunch of different sites, then put something together based on my current ability and timing of the race. It’s a progressive schedule with breaks between many of the runs.

The 8 mile run yesterday was fine, but the 14 mile run this Sunday kinda scares the crap out of me. It will be the longest run I have ever done (my previous best was 13 miles). Wish me luck… I may need it.

Please don’t bail out the automakers

Now that the election is over the media has turned their focus to our nations failing automakers. It seems these automakers are asking the government to bail them out, just as they have been bailing out financial institutions and AIG. I wasn’t in favor of the original bailout package, but I could see some of the justification behind it. Our financial institutions and the credit they provide to businesses and consumers are the backbone of our economy. People need to be able to borrow money and feel that their money is safe when they deposit it at a bank. I get it.

Our automakers are a different animal all together. Sure, the automakers provide a lot of jobs and fuel a ton of spending, but the product they provide is available through other means. There are plenty of automobiles to choose from in this country and not every automaker is struggling. This is what capitalism and free markets are all about. Companies that manage themselves well, provide a quality product and deliver for their customers earn the right to survive. Those that fail to do so do not. End of story.

The government should not keep companies artificially afloat. Companies must make money to stay in business or have investors who believe in funding the future. If private and commercial money won’t invest more in a company there is obviously something wrong. I have no desire to “own a piece” of these companies through my tax dollars. If I wanted to own a piece I would go out and buy some stock on the open market.

All that said I do believe our auto makers need help. However, that help should not come through a bailout, rather it should come through the mechanisms already in place to deal with such a scenario. The auto makers should file Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Chapter 11 will allow them to strike deals with creditors, eliminate unnecessary labor and restructure their companies. The investors, management and employees will be accountable for the failure and reinvention of these companies, not the federal government.

If these companies survive great. If not I am not worried… let them die. There are plenty of startups out there looking to take their place. Those startups will create new jobs and new economies of their own. Have you heard of Phoenix or Tesla Motors?

The restructure needs to focus on earning the U.S. consumer’s business. People don’t buy American cars like they used to because we have been getting our tails handed to us by foreign manufactures. It’s time for the big boys to step their game. If our automakers are going to be successfull long term they need to start making quality, innovative, fuel efficient vehicles. Show me a quality electric truck and I will be the first in line to buy one… and some shares.

Tiger Balm is like magic

Last Saturday morning I went for a 6 mile run. Later that day I went to my sister’s house to watch the FSU game. My right knee was killing me and I couldn’t stop rubbing it. My brother-in-law noticed my discomfort and told me he had just the thing. He whipped out a little jar of ointment called Tiger Balm. I had never heard of it before but decided to give it whirl. I have got to say it is awesome (thanks Patrick!). My knee felt great the next day and I went out to pick some up after my run yesterday. I looked for it at Target but they don’t have it, the only place I know of is CVS. If you have pain in your joints give this stuff a try, it works for me.

Tiger Balm

I have no relationship with the makers of this product, I just think it’s good stuff.

Welcome to my new blog!

I have been blogging for a couple of months over at using Tumblr. While I love the ease of use of that platform it just didn’t let me do everything I wanted to do. I decided I needed to take my blog to the next level, so I contacted the guys over at Unique Blog Designs. Being a designer (but not a programmer), I created some concepts in photoshop based on my personal brand. I then handed them over along with some notes to Nate Whitehill, one of the founders. I have got to say I am really impressed with the work they did. It was so easy. UBD did the coding and install for me then provided the keys to my new WordPress blog.

The Unique Blog Designs Guys

I recreated a few of my posts from my old blog here but didn’t go too far back. The old blog will remain up for some time, redirecting people to my new address I couldn’t be happier, I want to buy the guys at UBD some tequila shots. I am looking forward to blogging more often with more flexibility to do the things I want to do. What do you think of the new look? I need some comments here people!!!

If you are considering a blog makeover you have got to give the guys at Unique Blog Designs a call. Do it. Now. Call 1.870.619.4450. Ask for Nate and tell him Ted sent you. A new blog is better than sex…. well not really but it is still pretty cool.

Congratulations to President Elect Obama!

I have been pretty vocal about my lack of faith in both candidates this election. I ultimately made the decision to side with McCain, primarily over my fear of socialization of this country. With the election now over I want to congratulate Obama and his supporters on an extremely well run campaign. I had little doubt that Obama would be our next president, but I didn’t realize how decisive the vote would be.

Election Day 2008

My hope is that Obama leads this country forward in a fair and balanced way, understanding the needs and desires of all citizens. He has a tremendous opportunity to change this country, that change can be accomplished if he remains true to his word and governs as an American, not as a democrat. We need both parties on board working together to pull out of these difficult times.

I stand proud of our country and our new president. I look forward to the end of the war and economic prosperity.