
Support Rock for Hunger

It’s hard to believe but Thanksgiving and Festivus are right around the corner. While the holidays are a time of celebration and full, bloated bellies for most they are a time of struggle for others. Way too many people don’t have food to put on the table year round, let alone the holidays. I am supporting Rock for Hunger again this month with a mini canned food drive to build up their reserves. My goal is to collect 200 cans of food this week to donate to this wonderful organization.

10 Cans for the hungry = 1 Burrito for You

I will be at the downtown Orlando Pancheros this Friday from noon until 1:30 collecting cans of non-perishable food items. Every person that brings me 10 cans or more gets a free burrito on me. The person who brings me the most cans will win a $75 Pancheros gift card courtesy of my good friends at Pancheros. Second place gets a $25 Pancheros gift card. If you don’t do so already make sure you follow Pancheros on Twitter, they are good peeps and I appreciate them helping me out.

Let’s recap : You get a burrito. We feed the hungry. Everybody wins! Please help spread the word to your Orlando friends! It’s the season to give back.’


5 Cans  = 1 Free Cocktail

Our tweeps over at Wall Street have stepped up to help support the cause. Can’t make it for the logomain event and contest at Pancheros? Join us at happy hour from 4-9pm at WaiTiki on Wall Street this Friday. Free burrito or free booze for a great cause. You can’t go wrong. Want to know what is happening in dowtown orlando? Follow @wallstplaza

Contribute from Anywhere!

10 Comments  = 1 Burrito for the hungry

200px-optimized_image_cdeec5dfI realize that not all of you live in Orlando, but may like to help out. I have great news… you can contribute from anywhere in the world! For every 10 comments left on this blog post (by a unique person) I will buy a burrito gift card that will be donated to Rock for Hunger. They can use these cards to treat the hungry to a fantastic warm meal filled with cheesy goodness.

20 Retweets  = 1 Burrito for the hungry

Too lazy to leave a comment? Just hit the retweet button on the top of this page and share with your friends.

1 Pingback = 1 Burrito for the hungry

Want to help even more? Write a blog post and spread the word. For every blog post that pings back this post I will buy a burrito gift card for the hungry as well. I will buy up to 100 burrito giftcards for comments, rewtweets and pingbacks. Together we can help feed a lot of hungry people.

Ted Murphy

Ted Murphy

Ted Murphy is an American entrepreneur. He is currently the Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer of IZEA, a technology company that provides software for influencer marketing.


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