I first met the SeaWorld communications team in December of last year. I came to them with a big idea…I wanted them to partner with IZEA to bring IZEAFest to SeaWorld in 2009. To my surprise they instantly understood the value of having bloggers visit the park. As a resultĀ 500 bloggers and social media types will descend on SeaWorld in October. They have really embraced bloggers and social media in general and continue to impress me every month.
The Real Shamu Marks SeaWorld’s Official Twitter Debut
Last night I found that I had gained a new follower called @realshamu. The name peaked my interest and I decided to check it out. Sure enough the SeaWorld communications team was now on Twitter with the most creative corporate use of the medium I have ever seen. I immediately reached out to Shamu for an Interview.
Shamu Interview
Ted: How did you hear about Twitter?
Shamu: Well, 11 million people visit SeaWorld every year. I hear things. I see people in the stands tapping away on their mobile phones. Our staff too. You’d have to be pretty out of touch to not know about Twitter.
Ted: Is it hard to tweet underwater?
Shamu: It’s impossible to tweet underwater. It’s tough on the keyboard and the saltwater really munges up the computer. Tweeting is simple when people are lined up to transcribe for you, however.
Ted: Do you follow any other animals online?
Shamu: You will notice over the next weeks and months that I do not hold other species in very high esteem. This is typical of your apex predators. I would be inclined to follow other animals if they had something worthwhile to say, but frankly if I saw them in the world I’d either ignore them or eat them.
Ted: You seem like you have a bit of an attitude? What’s up with that?
Shamu: Well, I like to think of it as a kind of quiet confidence, not attitude. I am the Ocean’s Top Predator. It’s hard not to look down if you’re at the top. But I don’t want to be mean exactly, it’s just biology. I am very picky about my favorite sports teams and I don’t like animals that are poseurs. Dolphins, I’m looking in your direction.
Fred Jacobs Interview
After I got up off the floor from laughing I decided I needed some straight answers. I reached out to Fred Jacobs, Vice President, Communications at Anheuser-Busch Theme Parks.
Ted: Why did SeaWorld decide to to embrace Twitter?
Fred: Twitter allows us to engage people in a conversation, anywhere and at anytime. It differs in that sense from more traditional marketing, which is typically one-way and passive. We get visitors from all over the world and this is a good way for us to offer people a window into SeaWorld and our other parks. It also allows Shamu to show people what he’s like on the inside.
Ted: What led you to make Shamu your first official voice on Twitter?
Fred: Shamu represents SeaWorld. He is universally associated with this brand and has been for four decades. He is one of the world’s best known animals. Plus, he’s a higher mammal, meaning that he really does have some interesting things to say.
Ted: The voice of Shamu is edgy. Why?
Fred: Well, sometimes he’s edgy and sometimes he’s sweet and sometimes he’s a bit silly. We hope he’s always interesting. It’s really all up to him. Stay tuned.
Ted: How do you monitor interaction with SeaWorld brands on Twitter?
Fred: A lot of our folks have Twitter accounts and there’s a pretty good internal network that distributes comments and questions. We’re working hard to use Twitter in a way that not only enhances our guests opinion of our parks, but improves their experience. We encounter guests sometimes who need an answer or who have encountered some kind of challenge, and we work hard to fix those problems. Twitter is a great asset to us.
Ted: What are SeaWorld’s goals with this new medium?
Fred: We have a whole new generation, the members of which inform and entertain themselves in ways that no one could have dreamed of a decade ago. RealShamu on Twitter is one small part of our plan to reach out to people and connect with them in their everyday lives; to give them positive and authentic associations with our parks, our brands and our company. Our larger mission is to entertain as we educate. That’s sounds a bit corny, but it’s true. You leave SeaWorld more aware and maybe even more enlightened than when you entered it. We want the same thing to be true with everything we do in social networking.