

Can Marketing Save High School Sports?

Sponsored School Bus

There has been a lot of discussion in my local area about high schools dropping sports programs due to budget cut backs. I am not going to go into why I think this is wrong (which I do on so many levels), rather I am going to propose a solution.

Perhaps we should open up aspects of our school systems to marketers. It’s already common to see signs for local businesses on high school football fields, why not open it up a bit further and let marketers fund our sports programs in other ways? I am sure companies targeting our youth would pay top dollar to occupy the space where our young people spend the majority of the day. Let Lamar, Clear Channel and other outdoor advertising companies rep entire school districts and sell inventory with a professional sales force.


Sponsored Classroom

We should explore other alternatives before we kill high school sports and other extracurricular activities. I would rather have our teenagers exposed to a little more advertising on and off the field than have no field at all.

I mocked up both of these images (neither of them are real).

Let Your Customers Know You Are on Twitter

Duh! Right? Yeah, it seems so simple. Bloggers do a great job promoting their social media profiles. But most companies…. not so much. Today IZEA sent out an email to our customers with a little reminder.

Guess what? We are on Twitter! Not only that but we have five accounts, each with a person dedicated to them.

It’s elementary I know, but I can’t believe it has taken us this long to send out an email dedicated to our Twitter activity. If you run a business and are active on Twitter or another social media tool perhaps its time to let your customers know. Don’t stick it in a footer, shout it out!


If you don’t already follow me on Twitter check me out here.

Twitter T-Shirts Start Popping Up

It appears that the very first person (that I know of anyway) has downloaded the template I provided for custom Twitter T-Shirts. Cara Couture of North Carolina grabbed the design and showed it off at BarcampCLT.

Twitter T-Shirt

Twitter T-Shirt

I was happy to see the shirt, but bummed I never got a mention on Twitter : ( I was all for sharing my idea but I thought people would at least give me a shoutout for providing everything. Oh well, high expectations I guess. I am still happy I shared and would do it again.

No Love

No Love

IZEAFest 2009 Registration is Open!

eventbrite-izeafest-2009Are you ready for the best blogging event this side of Tokyo? IZEAFest 2009 is now open for Super Early Bird Registration and the slots are filling up fast. The event space is limited to 500 people total, first come first serve (60 slots already full after one day). Act now if you want to guarantee a seat and score a sweet deal. It’s only $129.00 if you register now. Come mingle with a who’s who of social media including Robert Scoble, Aaron Brazell, Chris Brogan, Darren Rowse, Brian Clark, Michael Brito, Jim Kukral, Neil Patel, Wendy Piersall, Jeremy Schoemaker, Missy Ward and the IZEA Insiders!

Twitter Logo TShirts

The custom Twitter logo tshirts I designed were were a big hit at CES in Las Vegas. I had random people stopping me on the convention floor asking me where they could buy them. Even though it’s fun being the only person with a custom Twitter shirt like this it is more fun to spread the love and help others to grow their followers.

Photo courtesy

How to get your own Twitter T-Shirt

I have decided to share the EPS source file for the Twitter design I used on my shirt. You can use this file to easily create your own shirt by following these simply instructions:

1. Download the EPS Twitter logo t-shirt design.

2. Open the file in Illustrator and customize the text block with your name. Be sure to convert your text to outlines to avoid any font issues. The red background is only there for preview, delete it and save the file out as an EPS.

3. Go to and choose a t-shirt style. Upload the file through their design tool. The video below brings you through step by step.

Custom Twitter T-Shirt from Ted Murphy on Vimeo.

4. Pick your sizes and quantity and you are good to go!

I hope you enjoy your new t-shirt. If you order one please be sure to leave a comment here with a link back to your photo.

Customize Your Shoes with NikeID

My running shoes are starting to show some wear so I have decided to order some new shoes from NikeID. This will be my 4th pair of running shoes from Nike and I have got to say I love the shoes almost as much as the customization process. Nike gives you the ability to create your own shoes, complete with your name embroidered on them. If you have odd size feet (which I don’t) you can even order different sizes for your left and right foot as well as different widths. There are tons of shoe styles to choose from for men, women and children.

NikeID is totally cool and I am a huge fan. The only thing that sucks is the 4 week delivery cycle, but it’s worth the wait.

My Current Running Shoes from Nike

The Design Process

My New Running Shoes

My New Running Shoes

The Worst Booth at CES 2009

I know everyone who attended CES this year is blogging about the awesome new gear displayed at the show. I also know that I can’t possibly do a more in depth review than the big tech blogs out there, so I decided to focus on my expertise – marketing. The majority of booths at CES were incredible in every way, but one stood out among all others in my mind. It was by far the worst at CES and possibly one of the worst I have ever seen at any show. This looks like a garage sale, not company selling product at professional trade association event. I’m sorry, but it is time to step up your game if you are going to be at a show like CES…this is pathetic.

CES 2009

CES 2009

CES 2009

CES 2009

I love the hand written signs. Sign me up! I’ll be a Rep!

Geeks Not Gadgets

I am the first to admit that I have a slight addiction to consumer electronics. I love my HDTV, game consoles, home automation, digital picture frame, smart phone and computers like any good techno nerd should. However, as I sit on this plane on the way to Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) I have to admit I’m not really thinking about new gadgets at all; I am thinking about people. Geeky bloggers to be specific. I am more excited to see my friends and meet new people than I am about any touch screen refrigerator or new digital camera (though I want both).

A few years back I remember people saying that trade shows and events were going to be dead soon. There were a number of companies that created software and services for “virtual trade shows”, promising to replace the need to have a physical event. None of them took off that I am aware of and I don’t believe we will ever see the death of physical events. I don’t go to events to collect product marketing or listen to speakers, I go to events to meet people, interact and create a connection in person.

Modern technology is wonderful, but it doesn’t even come close to being there. I love to video chat with my parents, but it is no replacement for coming home and getting a hug from my mom. I can’t have dumplings with Brett Petersel, ride a lark with Missy Ward or do this weird hand thingy with Shoemoney on the interwebs. Try all you want but WOW, Second Life, Twitter and Facebook will never be a substitute for the real thing in business or your personal life (it’s time to dump that virtual girlfriend btw).

Have you ever noticed that the people with the biggest social networks online are also the most visible offline? Take Gary Vaynerchuck. The guy is everywhere. Shaking hands, kissing babies, kissing baby hands and so on. He has grown online because he has made the time to physically connect with people offline. He’s not just meeting people, he is meeting the right people.

I’m not looking to meet just anyone. If I wanted to do that I would walk into a bar, sit down and buy some dude a drink. He would try to sell me a timeshare, I would refuse, he would buy me four more drinks and I would accept. Later I would wake up and wonder what I was going to do with three weeks at the KaKatchy Ranch in Bettendorf, Iowa. That’s not what I am looking for.

I want to meet people that share my interests and passion in technology and social media. There happen to be a ton of those people attending CES, so it is a natural fit for me to get out from behind my computer and get to know them in person. How about you? When was the last time you broke out of the online world and made some real human connections? There are so many people out there, it’s time to get to know a few. Find an event that is right for you and make an appearance.

Help a CES Newb

Next month I will be attending CES in Las Vegas for the first time. I have wanted to go for years, but somehow it never fit into my schedule. I am totally fired up to see the next generated of tech nerd gadgets and catch up with some blogging buddies. I have heard great things about the show, but I have also heard it can be overwhelming.

I need your help!

What should I pack? Where should I spend my time? What parties should I attend? How do I get an invite? Are there any other bits of advice you have to offer? Any feedback is much appreciated.