Last night I returned home from my day at Daytona with Blu Frog Energy to find my favorite hat destroyed by my dog Bonzo. She has grown quite spoiled now that I take her to work with me every day, and hates it when we leave her at home. We had a dog sitter pick her up in the afternoon, but apparently that wasn’t fast enough. She gnawed on my hat and on one of Tara’s dresses, making sure she sent a clear message to both of us. Don’t leave me alone. I don’t like it.

Normally I wouldn’t care so much. Stuff is stuff and I can buy another hat. The problem is this particular hat has become part of my personal brand. I have similar hats, but none of them are as identifiable as that one. That hat is featured in hundreds of photos of me, including the logo on this very blog. People recognize me because of that hat, it has become part of my image.
The truth is I screwed up. I’ve made a huge mistake (Arrested Development reference). When I decided to include that hat in my logo I should have made sure I had enough backup hats to deal with misplacing one, destruction or simple wear and tear. I knew better, I just didn’t think about it until it was too late. I tried to buy more about a month after I launched this site and had no luck.
It’s actually a good lesson for anyone developing a brand that includes a specific style of hat, glasses, etc. Make sure you have enough backups to last you several years, chances are you won’t be able to buy that same model or style again.
Help Me Rescue My Personal Brand
I bought the hat at Urban Outfitters in August. I have searched for the RN# featured in the picture below on their site and have come up with nothing. There is no website for the Vintage Crown Company. I have no idea where to get more of these hats.
Are you a super sleuth? If so you may score some cash. I am offering up a $100 reward to the first person who leaves a comment on this blog with either a link to buy this exact product or a phone number that I can call to order it. It must be this exact hat style, not a similar product. I will also hook you up with a thank you post and tweet for helping me out.

I hope one of you is better at tracking down things like this than I am. I really don’t want to go through a personal rebrand.