The Atomic Egg Drop Challenge
I am a big fan of simple team building exercises. I find that most people get so caught up in their daily work that they really don’t get to know their coworkers. I created a fun, fast exercise that managers can use to liven up a meeting and re-energize the team. The below team building exercise works well for 12-40 people. It takes about 25-35 minutes from start to completion. The cost is variable, depending on the prizes you provide your team.
You will need
- Several cartons of eggs (depending on your team size)
- A ladder or step stool
- A tape measure
- Some cleaning supplies
- A watch or timer
- Some prizes
Getting Started
Split your group into teams of 2-4 people, depending on the total number of participants. You want a maximum of 10 teams. I suggest making people team up with coworkers that they don’t interact with on a daily basis. Once the teams are split up provide each team with 3 eggs and read them the instructions below.
Team Member Instructions
- You have 15 minutes to construct a container for your eggs that can withstand an 8 foot drop.
- You can use anything within the office that is not of value to create your container.
- You are not permitted to use a conventional egg carton in any way.
- Your carton must be no larger than 4 x 4 x 4 inches and contain all 3 eggs (this is a really important requirement, make sure people understand this).
- You need to name your carton design and present the thought process and its virtues to the other teams prior to the drop.
- In order to complete the challenge all 3 eggs must survive the drop without cracking.
- Each team that breaks no eggs will receive a (insert your prize here, gift cards are nice and easy)
Facilitator Process
After you read your group the instructions start your 15 minute timer. Call off the time remaining at 5 minute intervals, with a 1 minute warning. When the time is up bring everyone back into a room together. Call the first team to the front and have them share their creation and thought process with the group. Measure the carton to make sure it is not bigger than 4 x 4 x 4 inches. If it is too big that team will be disqualified, but you should still drop the container.
Climb up your ladder or step stool, hold the egg container 8 feet from the ground and get your team to chant a countdown…. 3… 2… 1… drop! Some of the containers will pass, others will fail. The mess doesn’t get too crazy, but you want to make sure you are doing this away from any carpet or walls just in case. Repeat this process until every team has gone, then bring the winners to the front and celebrate their victory.
If you try this with your team please let me know how it works out for you.