It’s that time of the year again. SXSW has released their panel picker and the selection is bigger than ever. Over 2000 people have sessions up for voting and it can be a bit overwhelming. Here is my short list. Most of these people are friends and I have seen them speak before. If I missed you be sure to let me know.
@jeremeyhilton @markkrupinkski Metrics for Social Media: The Net Promoter Score
@lizstrauss @starbucker @caroljsroth Build, Buy, Partner: Time is Money
@ScottMonty @Schwen @ShannonPaul Socially Regulated: Social Media in Regulated Industries
@LucretiaPruitt Killing Clark Kent; When You Outgrow Your AlterEgo
@technosailor Shattering Secrets with Social Media
@db Game On: Can Game Theory transform your app?
@prsarahevans PR Best Practices for Social Media
Want to see me speak at SXSW? You can vote for my session here. I have not yet determined if I will be wearing pants for the session.
Voting ends at 11:59 CDT on Friday, August 27.